Saints positions of need after the NFL Draft

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Saints positions of need after the NFL Draft

Image Photo by Cooper Neill/Getty Images Although a lot was fixed, there is still work to do. Going into the NFL Draft, the New Orleans Saints had many holes that needed to be filled. They had a very good draft and were able to fix important parts of the team, but now that the roster is taking shape, there is still more work to be done. Left Guard Image Photo by Ric Tapia/Getty Images Although this is not the flashiest position, it is the most glaring need on the Saints roster. Left Guard is a position on the team that does not have a shoo-in starter. As of now, the Saints are putting their faith in 2023 draftee Nick Saldiveri. The Saints have signed three left guards out of free agency and two more out of undrafted free agency. There is a chance that one of these players will end up taking Saldiveri’s spot. Even if the team believes Saldiveri can and should be the starter, getting a pure NFL starting-level guard will not hurt. By doing this, there can be a best-case scenario where Saldiveri shows why he is the starting left guard, and now the team has a starting caliber backup. Safety Image Photo by Ric Tapia/Getty Images The next position of need is safety, and although it is not as glaring as left guard, it is still very important. Tyrann Mathieu is the number one starter at safety, and Jordan Howden is second, but third is unknown. The exciting thing about the current safeties on the roster is their versatility. A third safety would be the last piece of the defensive back room, taking more pressure off the starting unit. Getting another safety that focuses more on strong safety will allow Mathieu and Howden to be used in all different parts of the field. This would also help the linebacker room because Mathieu and the new safety can be used as substitute linebackers. Left Tackle Image Photo by Perry Knotts/Getty Images A theme with all three positions I have discussed is that the Saints did not address them in the draft. It was obvious that the team would draft a right tackle, but we were unsure about the left. 7th Round draftee Josiah Ezirim does have the potential to play on the left, but he has primarily focused on the right side. So now that leaves Trevor Penning as the primary starter. Oli Udoh has the versatility to sub in at left tackle if needed, but getting another starting-caliber player in this position would be wise. Putting this much trust in Trevor Penning’s play is very risky. Getting another tackle as a contingency plan is needed, and just like with the left guard position, it would be a win-win move. If Penning works out, then that is amazing, and now you have a great backup; if he doesn’t, then the Saints can use their contingency plan.

Source: ... -nfl-draft
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