Sports Betting Probably Wasn't The Most Pressing North Carolina Problem

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Sports Betting Probably Wasn't The Most Pressing North Carolina Problem

 Can't consume much media in North Carolina right now without being bombarded with sports betting ads.  Don't confuse this with an ad, I don't give a shit about sports betting.  But, the deluge of ads kinda blow.  I can't miss them every time I turn around, even seeing Luke Kuechly smiling in one.  Glad Luke's getting money and that one actually has some form of sports tie-in - most don't - but I'm unmoved and uninterested.   Never been a betting guy and I figure if one was so inclined, they would not have been held back by illegality (and I wouldn't honestly care). 
 Now, there's a lot to be said for several things being legal, taxed, and regulated, so fair enough.  NC will gain 5.25% of taxes on bets and if that's used right, great.   I'll go ahead and argue that the lottery coming to NC didn't cause souls to be lost, not that the government is in charge of morality (trust me, I am headed in that direction), but it certainly didn't seem to improve too much.   Similarly, the carcass of gambling places at the north and south borders of South Carolina show that nothing is forever, and I'll admit I never even bothered to learn what the hell Fish Games were but most places didn't even have enough confidence in its legality to have permanent signs. I don't know. Progress is inevitable but in an old North State that's been dragging its feet on a lot of things - and is barely democratic at a level above a central American drug state - you will excuse my cynicism of this particular event.  Yes - I'm a wet towel on this.  The way that a government administers and decides its laws, the way it intends on helping its people (or, at times, not doing so) isn't a party trick, it's not a hit song, it's not intended for charisma, it's square shit.  It's at best dry, school marmy nonsense. And I recognize that progress isn't the same for everyone. If you're scared of tomorrow, the past is progress.  If you're dying for tomorrow because yesterday wasn't good enough, then conservatism is regress.   I suppose I tire of local and regional politics enough to just be distrustful - I want to know who's getting paid to have this happen, because that seems to be the way things get done now. Anyway if that's your thing click this referral link .... just fucking with you.  If legal betting is your thing, great.  I hope it funds every school, I hope there's a surplus and everyone's problems are solved.  Let's go solve childhood hunger with it, right?  But somehow I don't see that or anything good coming from it (or terribly bad, if you've read the fine print). 

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