Person: VP To Add? GM News

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Person: VP To Add? GM News

 Chatter from clean-out day included that there were too many voices in Bryce Young's head.  And I suppose that's true, if all the voices weren't aligned.   Which, to me, is "the problem" more than it was a big staff.  Big or small staff, alignment matters.  Nevertheless, that transitions into Joe Person's suggestion that Carolina add a position to the front office: There’s been some buzz that the Panthers could add a senior vice president of football operations to serve as a go-between for Tepper and the coach/GM. Dawn Aponte, the NFL’s chief administrator of football operations, would be a strong candidate for such a role.It doesn't sound, within the context of the article, that Person is doing more than relaying it; but promos for said article suggest that Person is suggesting it himself (which is where I looked into it).   For what it's worth, it's a good idea.  Aponte is a pretty good choice too.  I suggested the Panthers do exactly this with Marty Hurney the first time - all the way back in, I don't know, 2009?   Move him upstairs.  But take the small picture away. 
In this case the suggeston is that Carolina needs someone to keep David Tepper off the GM and the coach, which only works as well as Tepper will allow.   Remember that he's the one that has these side conversations with assistants and staffers behind the coach's back. And possibly behind the GM's back too, given how Dan Morgan is perched in this GM battle. 
But the title there, VP of Football Operations, leaves you with an odd taste, doesn't it?   Hell, Pat Stewart, who was neither GM, assistant GM, or anything like that, had a Vice President of Player Personnel title.  And before he was VP, he was director of player personnel, meanwhile doing ... assumedly the same job?  Sure there's inevitably the "let's give you a better title and raise" song and dance to either praise a good job or keep you from leaving type of deal; but how you do you have a VP who's under a GM?    To me, if you have a president, under that president is a VP.  Under that, is a GM, a head coach.   
Which suggests, all of this is made up. Not Person's suggestion or whether they need a buffer above the coach and GM, but what any of these titles mean. 
For that - Aponte would be great. Former Dolphins exec, has been on the cap side, worked with league teams 1994 to 2016.    Hurney, too would be good in that type of role; Samir Suleiman being elevated past the GM, also good.  I don't think you could take a former scout and put them in that role, or a former coach, but sure, if you wanted, Ron Rivera is a steadying force, a good culture guy. 

Person suggests the initial chatter at GM includes Chiefs VP/Football Operations (again under the GM), Brandt Tilis (it's Tilis, not Tillis).  Tilis is in a cap management, roster strategy, negotiator role (Samir Suleiman is ours); he and Mike Borgonzi (asst GM, KC) are getting a lot of hype.   Neither were on my list immediately, but nothing about either seems 'bad'.  

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