Golden Nuggets: Today, we are all Bills Mafia

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Golden Nuggets: Today, we are all Bills Mafia

Image Your daily San Francisco 49ers news for Sunday, November 26th, 2023 Jon Feliciano has Improved the 49ers Offensive Line “First, he filled in for injured left guard Aaron Banks, who had turf toe. Banks is the 49ers’ biggest, most powerful offensive lineman. He plays next to Trent Williams, and that’s the point of attack for the 49ers’ run game. Whenever they want to push back defensive linemen and create a new line of scrimmage downfield, they run to the left. So those offensive linemen must be strong. Feliciano was strong enough to fill in for Banks. The 49ers’ left-side run game remained effective. Then on Thanksgiving, Feliciano moved to right guard to fill in for Spencer Burford, who had a knee injury. The right side of the 49ers’ offensive line is much smaller and quicker than the left side. Which means the right side is designed merely for cutback runs, outside zone runs and jet sweeps. Feliciano executed these blocking assignments beautifully...” 49ers rookie Ji’Ayir Brown reflects on ‘incredible’ first NFL start “Amazing, man,” Brown said after the game. “The communication between the guys on the field, the energy we brought, the passion we played with. It’s incredible. We didn’t let them in the end zone either, so for that to be my first start, and that kind of accomplishment, that means a lot.” 49ers’ Jauan Jennings criticizes Seahawks defenders for missed tackles on key play “Reflecting on the pivotal play, Jennings took to Instagram to express his thoughts, stating, “Pay them folks that much money to be missing tackles.”

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