Have the Trail Blazers Had Any Exciting Moments This Season?

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Have the Trail Blazers Had Any Exciting Moments This Season?

Image Troy Wayrynen-USA TODAY Sports What stands out in an otherwise tough year? If we had to pick two words to summarize the Portland Trail Blazers’ 2023-24 season, they’d probably be, “No Fun.” Injuries, mounting losses, and at least a splash of frustration with young players have combined into a semi-toxic stew, leaving fans with more reasons to shrug and hope than celebrate. This week a Blazer’s Edge Reader asked a Mailbag question about perception of the team. I’m not going to reprint it here. It was a lament, and understandable. But the reader also asked where excitement was still to be found. That got me thinking, pondering a question I’m going to pass on to you. What exciting or uplifting moments can you remember from the 2023-24 season so far? Portland has played 57 games. What specific moments, achievements, or events stand out? We’re not looking for overarching, silver-lining trends here. I could provide those. We’re looking for tangible, demonstrable points in space and time where you got excited about the team and its achievements (or a player and his) that have stuck with you. I’ll have to admit, I was searching my memory to come up with one, and I’ve drawn a blank. I also should admit that, as an analyst given the task of looking at each game discreetly and neutrally, I’m probably not positioned to recall such things as well as the readership here. That’s why I’m throwing out this question. Respond in the comments with exciting moments you remember from the year if you can come up with any!

Source: https://www.blazersedge.com/2024/2/28/2 ... -24-roster
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